Incoming flights web scraper

This project scrapes the website Flight Aware for flight information, and from each arrival gets the tracklog.


The inspiration was the necessity to create a database for a local project for Campolide neighborhood in Lisbon, Portugal, where the aircrafts fly above right before landing. Due to the noise pollution, some local iniciatives study these events to help and propose improvements for quality of living in Lisbon.

This scraper can be done for any given airport, as long as it uses the website’s acronym for that specific airport.


Challenges found on this project:

  1. he website information is not classified in the html code, so the date is not easily scrapable. BeautifulSoup library is handy when a website uses CSS classes to identify span or div tags, but this is not the case.

The solution: since the information is presented in a table format, each row is considered a record and from there, BeautifulSoup treats each line as a list and each cell as an item in that list. So, using this module is possible to identify repetitive patterns on the table.

  1. The table where all the information is presented only shows the day of the week and the time of arrival for the flights list and the tracklog page for each flight. The date can be obtained from the url of the flight, but with overnight flights the date on the URL is the date of departure, so some calculation has to be done to get a cleaner database, which is based on time of arrival.

Solution: a tester checks if the day of the week of arrival is the same as the departure, if true, nothing to set up, if false, means that it is a overnight flight, and what needs to be done is a transformation of the date from the URL into a datetime format and some calculations on the date, adding a day to the date and returning the string. A string format for the date was chosen for ease of visualization and to refer as a foreign key if used on a relational database.


Two CSV files are created from the scraping. One with the flight number, aircraft, city of origin, arrival time and an identification to match the other CSV file, with the flight number and the date.

The second CSV brings the tracklog for the flight, with the flight number and date, the same as the other CSV, the time of the specific event, latitude, longitude, speed in mph, and altitude.

With the tracklog information it is possible to trace lines of geographical visualization of the flight.

With the dataframes from the CSVs, two bigger CSVs are fed with information from previous scraping.

A txt file is created in the end to tell the scraper to stop when a flight that is already on the database is found, meaning it has reached the last flight that needed to be scraped from the website.

Python Libraries

Python Libraries used on this project:

  • BeautifulSoup, to read the HTML from the websites
  • Requests, to work with URLs and redirects
  • Regex, to read pattern data from the HTML code
  • Datetime, to work with dates and times
  • Pandas, for Data Frames handling
  • Numpy, to deal with missing data from the website
  • The up to date code is be available on my Github repo


This is the full python script, with comments:

import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import re
from re import search
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from datetime import datetime
from datetime import timedelta

# Variables to start the scraper. airport variable can be set from the acronym fom the Flight Aware website
# Examples: London Heathrow: EGLL, Berlin Brandenburg: EDDB, Madrid Barajas: LEMD
t = ''
airport = 'LPPT'
full_list = []
info_flight = []
# headers provide a "disguise" so the site server reconizes the scraper as a user, not a machine
headers = {'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0'}

# pages tells the range of pages that the scraper should work. The more it has, the longer it takes to srape data
pages = 1

for i in range(pages):
    # Looking for the data from the airport page, goes to each row of the table with the data
    arrival_list = BeautifulSoup(requests.get(
        '{}/arrivals?;offset={};order=actualarrivaltime;sort=DESC'.format(airport, i*20), headers=headers).text, 'html.parser')
    arrival_list = arrival_list.find_all(
        'table', {'class': 'prettyTable fullWidth'})[0]
    arrival_list = arrival_list.find_all('tr')

    # The first two lines are always headers, so they are ignored with the [2:]
    for i in arrival_list[2:]:
        flight_num = i.contents[0].text[1:]
        url_flight = '' + i.contents[0].a['href']
        # using Requests module to get the redirected url from the flight
        url_tracklog = str(requests.get(url_flight, headers=headers).url)
        url_tracklog = url_tracklog + '/tracklog'
        # list_flight creates a list with the HTML code for the table and the data that we want to colect
        list_flight = []
        list_flight = BeautifulSoup(requests.get(
            url_tracklog, headers=headers).text, 'html.parser')
        list_flight = list_flight.find_all(
            'table', {'class': 'prettyTable fullWidth'})[0]
        list_flight = list_flight.find_all(
            'tr', {'class': re.compile("smallrow[12]")})

        url_flight = requests.get(url_tracklog, allow_redirects=True)
        # from the URL, we can get the date for the flight
        pos ="history/", url_flight.url).end()
        day = url_flight.url[pos:pos+8]

        # a simple checker to see if the flight was a overnight flight, one of the challenges to fix date information
        if list_flight[3].contents[1].contents[0].text[:3] != list_flight[-1].contents[1].contents[0].text[:3]:
            overnight = True
            overnight = False
        for j in list_flight:
            if not 'flight' in j['class'][-1]:
                # When it is a overnight flight, there is a one day addition to the date collected on the URL, since the URL reflects the date of departure, and we need the date of arrival. If not overnight, get the 8 caractersafter /history/ on the URL, with the variable pos
                if overnight == True:
                    day = datetime.strftime(datetime.strptime(
                        url_flight.url[pos:pos+8], "%Y%m%d") + timedelta(days=1), '%Y%m%d')
                    day = url_flight.url[pos:pos+8]

                # flight_date will be a identifier of the flight to relate the two dataframes created on this projec. It is created with an identifier with the flight number and the day of arrival
                flight_date = flight_num + '_' + day
                # this next if statement fixes the date on the URL, getting information from the date and the date that is shown on the table that is being scraped
                if datetime.strptime(datetime.strftime(datetime.strptime(day, "%Y%m%d") + timedelta(days=-1), '%Y%m%d'), "%Y%m%d").strftime('%A')[:3] == j.contents[1].contents[0].text[:3]:
                    day_adjustment = datetime.strftime(datetime.strptime(
                        day, "%Y%m%d") + timedelta(days=-1), '%Y%m%d')
                    event = day_adjustment + \
                    event = day + j.contents[1].contents[0].text[3:12]
                # latitude longitude mph and altitude are straight forward information from the table
                latitude = j.contents[3].contents[0].text
                longitude = j.contents[5].contents[0].text
                mph = j.contents[13].text
                altitude = j.contents[15].contents[0].text
                # last_flight.txt tells the scraper when to spot. A simple text file with the most recent flight scraped
                with open('last_flight.txt') as f:
                    t =
                if t == flight_date:
                # creating a list with all the data collected, to be exported into a CSV file next
                    (flight_date, event, latitude, longitude, mph, altitude))

        # Some flights don't have all the information, like aircraft model, so aircraft and arigin are set to deal with scraping errors
        if len(i.contents[1].text) > 0:
            aircraft = i.contents[1].text
            aircraft = np.nan
        if i.contents[2].find('a') is not None:
            origin = i.contents[2].find('a').text
            origin = np.nan
        arrival = day + i.contents[4].text[3:9]
        id_flight = flight_date
        # Same tester to check if the scraper has reached the last flight scraped previously
        with open('last_flight.txt') as f:
            t =
        if t == flight_date:
        # creating a list with all the data collected, to be exported into a CSV file next
        full_list.append((flight_num, aircraft, origin, arrival, id_flight))

# Now a new flight number and date is written on the text file for the next scraping
if info_flight[0][0] != None:
    with open('last_flight.txt', 'w') as f:

# The rest of the code transforms the lists into Pandas dataframes and exports them to CSV files. Two CSVs with the latest scraped, identified with the date, and two larger CSVs with all the scraping done in the past
df_flights = pd.DataFrame(
    full_list, columns=['flight', 'aircraft', 'origin', 'arrival', 'id_flight'])
    datetime.strftime(, '%Y%m%d')))
full_flights_df = pd.read_csv('flights.csv')
pd.concat([df_flights, full_flights_df], ignore_index=True).to_csv(
    'flights.csv', index=False)

df_info_flights = pd.DataFrame(info_flight, columns=[
                               'flight_date', 'event', 'latitude', 'longitude', 'mph', 'altitude'])
    datetime.strftime(, '%Y%m%d')))
full_info_flights_df = pd.read_csv('info_flights.csv')
pd.concat([df_info_flights, full_info_flights_df],
          ignore_index=True).to_csv('info_flights.csv', index=False)